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최첨단 연구와 교육이 이루어지는 이과대학 물리학과 홈페이지 구성원(People) 교수진(Faculty) 교수(Professor) 입니다.




Contact Information
• 영문이름 : Euihun Joung
• 세부전공 : 고에너지물리이론
• 학      위 : Ph.D. University Paris-Diderot - Paris 7
• 전화번호: 02-961-0347
• 직      급 : 부교수(학과장)
• 한글이름 : 정의헌
• E-mail : euihun.joung@khu.ac.kr
• 홈페이지 : http://joung.khu.ac.kr
Areas of Expertise
• 입자 및 장물리

• 2009: Ph.D. in Physics, Université Paris-Diderot 7 (France)

• 2003-2005: M.S. (International Selection) in Physics, École Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Paris (France)

• 1996-2004: B.S. in Physics, KAIST

 Professional Experience

 2019-present: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Kyung Hee University
 2017-2019: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Kyung Hee University

 2015-2016: Research Professor, Seoul National University

 2014-2015: Research Associate, Imperial College London (UK)

 2013-2104: Postdoc, Université Paris-Diderot 7 (France)

 2011-2013: Postdoc, Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) di Pisa (Italy)

 2009-2011: Postdoc, Istituto Nazionale de Fisica Nucleare (INFN) di Pisa (Italy)

 Selected Publications

 Euihun Joung, Min-gi Kim, and Yujin Kim, Unfolding conformal geometry, Journal of High Energy Physics 2021, 92 (2021)

 Joaquim Gomis, Euihun Joung, Axel Kleinschmidt, and Karapet Mkrtchyan, Colourful Poincaré symmetry, gravity and particle actions, Journal of High Energy Physics 2021, 47 (2021)

 Thomas Basile, Euihun Jound, Karapet Mkrtchyan, and Matin Mojaza, Dual pair correspondence in physics: oscillator realizations and representations, Journal of High Energy Physics 2020, 20 (2020)

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