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최첨단 연구와 교육이 이루어지는 이과대학 물리학과 홈페이지 교수(Professor) 입니다.



Contact Information
• 영문이름 : Sang Wook Kim
• 세부전공 : 양자과학 & 정보물리
• 학      위 : Ph.D. KAIST
• 전화번호: 02-961-0475
• 직      급 : 교수
• 한글이름 : 김상욱
• E-mail : swkim0412@khu.ac.kr
Areas of Expertise

• 원자 및 분자물리(이론): 양자정보

• 통계물리(이론): 정보물리


• 1999: Ph.D. in Physics, KAIST

• 1995: M.S. in Physics, KAIST

• 1993: B.S. in Physics, KAIST

 Professional Experience

• 2018-present: Professor, Department of Physics, Kyung Hee University

• 2004-2018: Professor, Department of Physics Education, Pusan National University

• 2010-2010: Visiting Professor, IQOQI, University of Innsbruck (Austria)

• 2009-2010: Visiting Professor (JSPS fellow), Department of Physics, University of Tokyo (Japan)

• 2003-2004: BK21 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Seoul National University 

• 2001-2003: Guest Scientist, Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (Germany)

• 2000-2001: Postdoc, Center for Macroscopic Quantum-field Laser, KAIST

• 1999-2000: Postdoc, Department of Physics, POSTECH 

 Selected Publications

• Jung Jun Park, Kang-Hwan Kim, Takahiro Sagawa, and Sang Wook Kim, Heat engine driven by purely quantum information, Physical Review Letters 111, 230402 (2013)

• Sang Wook Kim, Takahiro Sagawa, Simone De Liberato, and Masahito Ueda, Quantum Szilard engine, Physical Review Letters 106, 070401 (2011)

• Sang Wook Kim and Mahn-Soo Choi, Decoherence Driven Quantum Transport, Physical Review Letters 95, 226802 (2005)

• Sang-Bum Lee, Jai-Hyung Lee, Joon-Sung Chang, Hee-Jong Moon, Sang Wook Kim, and Kyungwon An, Observation of Scarred Modes in Asymmetrically Deformed Microcylinder Lasers, Physical Review Letters 88, 033903 (2002)

• Sang Wook Kim, Floquet Scattering in Parametric Electron Pumps, Physical Review B 66, 235304 (2002)

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