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최첨단 연구와 교육이 이루어지는 구성원(People) 교수진(Faculty) 교수(Professor) 이과대학 물리학과 홈페이지 입니다.



Contact Information
• 영문이름 : Changyeon Won
• 세부전공 : 고체물리실험
• 학      위 :Ph.D. University of California at Berkeley
• 전화번호: 02-961-0248
• 직      급 : 교수
• 한글이름 : 원창연
• E-mail : cywon@khu.ac.kr
• 그룹홈페이지 : https://nanomaglab.github.io
Areas of Expertise
• 응집물질물리(실험)

• 2005: Ph.D. in Physics, University of California, Berkeley (USA)
• 1999: M.S. in Physics, Seoul National University

• 1997: B.S. in Physics, Seoul National University

 Professional Experience

 2018-present : Professor, Department of Physics, Kyung Hee University
• 2013-2018 : Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Kyung Hee University

• 2009-2013 : Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Kyung Hee University

• 2007-2009 : Full time Lecturer, Department of Physics, Kyung Hee University

• 2005-2007 : Postdoc. Argonne National Laboratory (USA)

 Selected Publications
• Han Gyu Yoon, Chanki Lee, Doo Bong Lee, Sung Min Park, Jun Woo Choi, Hee Young Kwon, and Changyeon Won, Interpolation and extrapolation between the magnetic chiral states using autoencoder, Computer Physics Communications 272, 108244 (2022)

• Sung Min Park, Han Gyu Yoon, Doo Bong Lee, Jun Woo Choi, Hee Young Kwon, and Changyeon Won, Optimization of physical quantities in the autoencoder latent space, Scientific Reports 12, 9003 (2022)

• Doo Bong Lee, Han Gyu Yoon, Sung Min Park, Jun Woo Choi, Hae Young Kwon, and Changyeon Won, Estimating the effective fields of spin configurations using a deep learning technique, Scientific Reports 11, 22937 (2021)

• Hee Young Kwon, Han Gyu Yoon, Sung Min Park, Doo Bong Lee, Jun Woo Choi, and Changyeon Won, Magnetic State Generation using Hamiltonian Guided Variational Autoencoder with Spin Structure Stabilization, Advanced Science 8, 2004795 (2021)

• Hee Young Kwon, Han Gyu Yoon, Chanki Lee, Gong Chen, Kai Liu, Aandreas K. Schmid, Yi Zheng Wu, Jun Woo Choi, and Changyeon Won, Magnetic Hamiltonian parameter estimation using deep learning techniques, Science advances 6, eabb0872 (2020)

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