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최첨단 연구와 교육이 이루어지는 이과대학 물리학과 홈페이지 교수(Professor) 입니다.



Contact Information
• 영문이름 : Chinkyo Kim
• 세부전공 : 고체물리학, 반도체물리학, 2차원 물질
• 학      위 :Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
• 전화번호: 02-961-0379
• 직      급 : 교수
• 한글이름 : 김진교
• E-mail : ckim@khu.ac.kr
• 그룹홈페이지 : http://tfnl.khu.ac.kr
Areas of Expertise
• 반도체 물리(실험)
• 응용물리(실험)

• 1998: Ph.D. in Physics, Iniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (US)

• 1995: M.S. in Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (US)

• 1993: B.S. in Physics, Seoul National University (KOR)

 Professional Experience

• 2004-present: Professor, Department of Physics, Kyung Hee University

• 2003-2004: Postdoc. University of Missouri-Columbia (US)

• 1998-2003: Researcher, LG Electronics Institute of Technology

 Selected Publications

• Dongsoo Jang, Chulwoo Ahn, Youngjun Lee, Hyunkyu Lee, Donghoi Kim, Yongsun Kim, Ji-Yong Park, Young-Kyun Kwon, Jaewu Choi, and Chinkyo Kim, Thru-Hole Epitaxy: A Highway for Controllable and Transferable Epitaxial Growth, Advanced Materials Interfaces 10, 2201406 (2023)

• Hyunkyu Lee, Minjoo Kim, Dongsoo Jang, Suhee Jang, Won Il Park, and Chinkyo Kim, Transferable thru-hole epitaxy of GaN and ZnO, respectively, over graphene and MoS2 as a 2D space layer, Crystal Growth & Design 22, 6995 (2022)

• Hyunkyu Lee, Jong-Hyurk Park, Nikhilesh Maity, Donghoi Kim, Dongsoo Jang, Chinkyo Kim, Young-Gui Yoon, Abhishek K. Singh, Yire Han, and Soon-Gil Yoon, Diffusion-enhanced preferential growth of m-oriented GaN micro-domains on directly grown graphene with a large domain size on Ti/SiO2/Si(001), Materials Today Communications 30, 103113 (2022)

• Hyunkyu Lee, Dongsoo Jang, Donghoi Kim, and Chinkyo KimNon-edge-triggered inversion from Ga-polarity to N-polarity of c-GaN domains on an SiO2 mask during epitaxial lateral overgrowth, J. Appl. Crystallography 52, 532 (2019)

 Hyunkyu Lee, Dongsoo Jang, Donghoi Kim, Hwa Seob Kim, and Chinkyo Kim, Polarity and threading dislocation dependence of surface morphology of c-GaN films exposed to HCI vapor, J. Mater. Chem. C 6, 6264 (2018)

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