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최첨단 연구와 교육이 이루어지는 구성원(People) 교수진(Faculty) 교수(Professor) 이과대학 물리학과 홈페이지 입니다.




Contact Information
• 영문이름 : Seok-Kyun Son
• 세부전공 : 고체물리학, 양자컴퓨터, 반도체물리
• 학      위 : Ph.D. University of Cambridge
• 전화번호 : 02-961-9108
• 직      급 : 조교수
• 한글이름 : 손석균
• E-mail : skson@khu.ac.kr
• 그룹홈페이지 : https://sites.google.com/view/khu-hqsl                 

Areas of Expertise

• 응집물질물리(실험)

 반도체 물리(실험)


 2015: Ph.D. in Physics, University of Cambridge (UK)

 2006: B.S. in Physics, Pusan National University

 Professional Experience

 2023-present: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Kyung Hee University

 2022-2023: Vice Dean, Office of Planning, Mokpo National University

 2019-2023: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Mokpo National University

 2015-2019: Postdoc. University of Manchester (UK)

 Selected Publications

 Ji-Yun Moon, Do-Hoon Kim, Seung-Il Kim, Hyun-Sik Hwang, Jun-Hui Choi, Seok-Ki Hyeong, Soheil Ghods, Hyeong Gi Park, Eui-Tae Kim, Sukang Bae, Seoung-Ki Lee, Seok-Kyun Son*, and Jae-Hyun Lee*, Layer-engineered atomic-scale spalling of 2D van der Waals crystals, Matter (11), 3935-3946 (2022)

 Ji-Yun Moon, Minsoo Kim, Seung-Il Kim, Shuigang Xu, Jun-Hui Choi, Dongmok Whang, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Dong Seop Park, Juyeon Seo, Sung-Ho Cho*, Seok-Kyun Son*, and Jae-Hyun Lee*, Layer-engineered large-area exfoliation of graphene, Science Advances 6 (44), eabc6601 (2020)

 Yanmeng Shi, Shuigang Xu, Yaping Yang, Sergey Slizovskiy, Sergey V Morozov, Seok-Kyun Son, Servet Ozdemir, Ciaran Mullan, Julien Barrier, Jun Yin, Alexey I Berdyugin, Benjamin A Piot, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Vladimir I Fal'ko, Kostya S Novoselov, Andre K. Geim, and Artem Mishchenko, Electronic phase separation in multilayer rhombohedral graphite, Nature 584 (7820), 210-214 (2020)

 Tzu-Kan Hsiao, Antonio Rubino, Yousun Chung, Seok-Kyun Son, Hangtian Hou, Jorge Pedrós, Ateeq Nasir, Gabriel Éthier-Majcher, Megan J. Stanley, Richard T. Phillips, Thomas A. Mitchell, Jonathan P. Griffiths, Ian Farrer, David A. Ritchie, and Christopher J. B. Ford, Single-photon emission from single-electron transport in a SAW-driven lateral light-emitting diode, Nature Communications 11 (1), 917 (2020)

 Seok-Kyun Son, Makars Siskins, Ciaran Mullan, Jun Yin, Vasyl G Kravets, Aleksey Kozikov, Servet Ozdemir, Manal Alhazmi, Matthew Holwill, Kanji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Davit Ghazaryan, Kostya S. Novoselov, Vladimir I Fal'ko, and Artem Mishchen, Graphene hot-electron light bulb: incandescence from hBN-encapsulated graphene in air, 2D Materials, 5 (1), 011006, (2018)

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